Friday, August 3, 2007

A sad, but damn aint that the truth! Mid-day WoW

This past Tuesday's wow....

now that we've gotten at the end of the Monday tunnel, it's time to see the know what that means! Mid-day freaking WoW! It's also time to do something a little different while still keeping that wow on high. So without further ado, I present, Tuesday's sad, but aint that the damn truth Mid-day WoW (cue the price is right theme music)

"A University of Arkansas study found that Black women with college degrees are 145 times more likely to suffer domestic and sexual abuse than those who haven't completed high school"
- Essence Magazine

Many people were confused by this startling statistic, but it's really not too hard to understand. Let me break it down for you....most men claim they want an "independent" woman, however in their eyes this only means a woman who isn't trying to dog them for their money. So what happens when a woman's zeros start to run higher then her significant other? What happens when there needs to be a stay-at-home dad for the kids bc momma's making dough outside the kitchen? A man's ego can send him on the most psychotic trip of his life, ESPECIALLY that of a black man. This stat doesn't mean that the collegian Black women stayed within abusive relationships; just that they experienced abuse atleast once.

On that note, if you or anyone else you know, is in an abusive relationship, you need to leave the motherfucker ASAPA! You can also find some useful info here....don't say I never help.

PS: not all men are self-centered, egotistic, good for nothing, broke like a bone FUCKS! Nope not all of you :D There are some good ones out ladies find them before the gay fairy dust touches them. hahaha, jk...kinda

Below seemed like an appropriate video...remember Ashanti's [only] hit?


iLoveLucie said...

tracy i am mad, mad, MAD!!!! you had to put a picture of tina turner up here to illustrate your point!!!lol!! bitch your wild!! but please, as i type these very words know that i have a lighter in the air bc you are so damn right! if anybody can fully epitomize the angst and rage of a black man emasculated by his everso powerful and beautiful black woman, it's backhand,slap a bitch Ike! and we all know how that shit went down

MID DAY WOW said...
