Tuesday, August 28, 2007


PSA: I'm not sure if all of you realized, but I put up an extra post this past Saturday that I think everyone should take a look at. I'm sure many of you already know about the Jena 6 case, but if you don't, please educate yourself on the matter & read/comment on the post.

moving on to the lighter side of the world...


let's see who's first!

What's the 4th guy's jersey say? "Please". hahaha.

Not that there's anything wrong with a man wanting Moore Goode Dick of course...nice backshots fellas ;)


Yup, that dog is real & no that bitch ain't playin. This will really make all of Hollywood jump - the bag even doubles as a coke stuffer!!!!


Is it just me or did we just find our rapist?? haha



In a recent interview with Allhiphop.com, the "King of all White Girls" had this to say:

"There was a stage in my life where I went crazy with dating white women. I have nothing against black women, but they’re raised differently. White women are raised to respect and serve their men. Black women are taught to question [their men]. Black women look at submission as being weak. White women look at submission as being a woman. And anyone who has a problem with this statement is ignorant. Just look at the divine order; it goes man, woman, child."


No shame! Motherfuckers are bold as all hell these days! My comment on this would last for days so I'm just going to remind myself that not all [black] men are egotistical, stupid bastards whose ONLY talents lie within music & leave it at that. What do you think??


jj said...

wow... terrible. ppl will respect him for saying that cuz they'll think he's just keepin it real but all he is cocky, arrogant, and blind...

Anonymous said...

can someone tell weak ass polo the don that he's not an italian mob boss. Oh yea and who made his black ass the spokesman for all white woman. He just met feeble white girls with low self esteem. I know snowflakes that will shut his neanderthal brain havin ass down in a ny minute!!!!

MID DAY WOW said...

the truth has been told! preach!

iLoveLucie said...

first off that reporter shit is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! lol! oh man i guess what they say is true! all black ppl do look alike! damn i hate it when white folks are right!!

Let me be clear when i say that that was a joke. even as i type this, i sense that some racist somewhere is smiling behind his swastica decorated PC silently rejoicing in my comment. well fucker just playing. black people rock.